Keep Moving Forward(Silent Musings)

Tired? Frustrated? Want to give up? You feel as if you cannot reach your destination anymore however hard you hustle? Well, this is the time your will power gets tested; the time when your trust in yourself is put to test. Take a break, and ruminate as to why did you start in the very first place. Reflect and recount the vigour you had on the very first day of your target plan. Remember the capabilities, your capabilities which you had trusted and made the decision of achieving the goal. Remember those sleepless nights spent chalking out the outline of your plan to achieve your goal and the elation associated with it. Remember the first day of your target plan, when you had seen your reflection in the mirror and a different glow illumined your visage. That glow was the faith you had in yourself, it was your self-confidence. Take a moment and recount those days. Remember, why you started and start moving forward again. Believe that it will happen-maybe even sooner than you expected! Yes, as soon as you slip down a few rungs, there would be many who would laugh, but remember how you were confident that you were going to prove all the people who mocked at your dreams wrong? You surely will. Do not let them dim your inner flame as you did not set up the goal for their sake. However, do thank the ones who are still by your side, encourage you and believe in you that you can achieve your dreams. They are the fuel to your fire. Forgive the ones who do not understand the importance of your dreams and mock you but never forget. Take a deep breath, glance at that outline you had chalked; remind yourself that you are the same individual which you were on day one- the individual brimming with self-confidence, glowing with trust – trust on his own capabilities; tie up your shoelaces take your aim and start again! Trust yourself that this time the rocket of your efforts will surely fire itself in a manner to overcome the forces pulling it back and get ejected at your desired goal, the only thing which you have to do is- KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

Published by shachi_sinha

An engineer who is making an endeavour to pen down her unsaid emotions and her midnight musings with an effort to connect with all of you out there.

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